My Productive Morning Routine

Disclaimer: this is NOT my quarantine routine lol

Ever since 2020 started, I’ve become OBSESSED with morning routines, productivity, and being on top of my shit. I firmly believe that mornings set the mood + energy for how the rest of the day goes. So I make sure my mornings are filled with a positive, motivated mindset. This is the time to set your energy right.

7am: Wake up. DON’T check your messages. This is YOUR time, no one else’s.

7:15am: Head to the bathroom + splash cold water on my face, brush teeth. I don’t use a face wash in the morning. I want to keep some of the beneficial face serums on my face from the night before. Follow it up with a great moisturizer. I like getting + feeling clean before starting my day.

7:30: Journal. I journal every single morning. It’s makes me a happier, more grateful person. Practicing gratitude is such an effective way to increase happiness. Write down 3 things you’re grateful for, 3 ways you can make the day great, and your daily affirmations. This is also when I have my cup of coffee and breakfast.

7:45am: Meditate. Meditating is such a great way to raise your vibrational energy and visualize your goals. I usually do a guided meditation from Youtube.

8:00am: Get Ready. I love listening to podcast when I get ready. My favorites for motivation are The Skinny Confidential and Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations.

8:15am: Planner Time: Review your goals and intentions for the day

8:30am: Go conquer the day and do great things!!!

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