How I lost 30lbs

Ok so here is your new bullshit guide to losing excess fat. By the way, I’m only 5’1 / 155cm. So 30lbs is a HUUGE difference on my body.

I began my weight loss journey in May 2019. And by November, I had lost 30lbs. That’s 6 months.

So here’s what I did…

1. Incorporated some form of high intensity cardio into my weekly workout routine.

For me, that was a 50mn cycling class. I started with one class a week and progressively worked my way up. I now do that 5 days a week, because I’m so addicted to them! If you’re like me & get bored running on a treadmill, these are perfect for you.

2. Weightlifting

Having BOTH cardio and strength training in your workout plan is the most effective way to burn fat. I lift weights 3-4 times a week. 2 leg days. 1 upper body day. And 1 full-body day.

3. Stop eating when you’re full

Listen, I had the hardest time with this. Because I love food. And thanks to birth control, my appetite is huge. I’d eat multiple dinners and keep going back for more, because my self control didn’t exist.

But self-love requires you to give your body what it needs. And saying no to the things that are bad for it. It deserves to be nourished with good food, not overwhelmed with excess shit.

So when you’re full, you’re allowed to stop eating. You don’t have to force yourself to finish your plate. You can save it. And later, when you get hungry, you’ll be able to enjoy those leftovers. It’s a win-win.

4. Eat clean

I always feel better after eating foods that I know are good for me. I stopped going out to eat so much, and I cook my own food. I only go out to eat like once a week now.

I didn’t cut anything out of my diet, I still eat whatever I want. But I do it in moderation. So I eat healthy 80% of the time. Life is short, so let yourself eat those potato chips (my weakness). But don’t eat the whole bag in one sitting, ya know? Because your body won’t feel good about that, and neither will you.

5. Be consistent

It took me 3 months of consistent work to see ANY change. Getting fit and STAYING fit is a LIFESTYLE. Fad/crash diets never work. Sure, they’ll probably get you there faster. But those diets won’t make you happy, and they’re usually not long-term.

Establish good habits, because your habits become your life. You can’t expect to see a difference after a week of working out or eating clean. You have to be consistent, and eventually you’ll see results.

At the beginning, I’d get so frustrated. Because I’m naturally impatient, and I wasn’t seeing results. But you need to remember that change will come, but you can’t keep staring in the mirror everyday getting mad at your body for not being where you want it to be yet.

Great things take time, results take time. Hope this helps you guys! Feel free to comment/ask me any questions you might have!

About Brittany Ngo

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5 thoughts on “How I lost 30lbs”

    • Not really, because I don’t restrict myself. In the past, if I felt like I over ate, I’d just let it go. There’s no point in wasting your energy being mad at yourself. Just be aware that you deserve better than to feel that way about yourself, and do better the next day. And it’s never the end of the world if you overeat one day. It’s good to remember that you aren’t going to reverse months of hard work in one day. So don’t be too hard on yourself! x


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